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A highly motivated individual is sought to join the multi-disciplinary team for the final year of the ForES project, funded by Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM).

The successful applicant will be based in the School of Natural Sciences at Trinity College Dublin, with Professors Jane Stout and Yvonne Buckley, and will work with Professor Mary Kelly Quinn at UCD, and partners at Ireland’s semi-state forestry industry, Coillte. In addition, they will work closely with Natural Capital Ireland, who support the project dissemination.

About the project

Forestry provides timber, but also supports biodiversity and supplies other public benefits, including carbon capture to tackle climate change, and opportunities for recreation. To enable a sustainable supply of multiple benefits from Irish forests, ForES is co-developing natural capital accounts and decision-support tools for foresters.

Using the United Nations System of Environmental-Economic Accounting Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) framework, the international standard for ecosystem accounting, the ForES project has developed ecosystem Extent and Condition accounts for a suite of Coillte-owned sites across Ireland (see A decision methodology for site-level ecosystem accounting and A capacity index to connect ecosystem condition to ecosystem services accounts).

By assessing the quantity, quality and location of forest stocks in Extent and Condition accounts, flows of commercial timber production, carbon sequestration, water retention, biodiversity and recreation are being determined. Service flows are modelled under different ecosystem service priority scenarios to provide managers will the information they need to fulfil multiple objectives at both site and estate level. This will support a structured decision-making approach in the Irish forestry context.

About the role

We are seeking an experienced individual to join the team for the final year of the ForES project. This person will be responsible for:

1.      Developing Ecosystem Service accounts for 25 case-study Coillte sites, including timber, carbon, biodiversity, water, and recreation.

2.      Using the methodology already developed to calculate Extent, Condition and Service accounts for a suite of privately-owned sites.

3.      Working with the project team to support development of a user-interface for an online Decision-Support tool.

4.      Project management, including reporting, data management, and managing relationships with project personnel and partners

Skills and qualifications required


-        Exceptional skills in management of multi-partner project, including arranging meetings, reporting, and interacting with researchers and wide range of stakeholders (partners, foresters, funders, and decision-makers)

-        Excellent inter-personal and problem solving skills

-        Excellent personal time management

-        Excellent data handling and presentation skills

-        Excellent report writing skills

-        Experience with range of software for data handling, analysis, and reporting


-        PhD in ecosystem service science, ecology, forest management, natural resource management or similar

-        Proficiency in using GIS software

-        Experience in successfully publishing scientific journal articles

-        Experience in using/developing web-based decision-support tools


Job specifications

Post status: 12-month Specific Purpose Contract

The duration of this contract is limited to the above fixed term in order for the successful candidate to complete work on the ForES project. This contract is therefore limited to a fixed term and is not being offered on a permanent basis, as the specific scope of responsibilities associated with this role aligns with the externally-funded ForES project time-line and deliverables, and is expected to conclude within the period outlined.

Hours of Post: Full-time, 35 hours per week

Salary: This appointment will be made on the Post-Doctoral Researcher Salary Scale (€44,847 - €57,332 per annum), at a point depending on experience, in line with current Irish Universities Association University Research Salary Scales/Guidelines.


How to apply

Applicants should submit a Curriculum Vitae and a Cover Letter that specifically addresses their relevant experience and outlines their suitability for the position, along with the names and contact details of three referees, to Jane Stout (

The position will remain open until filled. Applicants who do not address the application requirements above will not be considered at the short list stage.


Ecosystems have different capacities to supply ecosystem services. A plantation forest might be ideal for supply of timber but the supply of habitats for wildlife may be poor. The ForES team has published research showing how accounts of ecosystem capacity to supply ecosystem services can be incorporated into standard Ecosystem Accounts. Here our post-doc Francesco Martini explains more...

A diagram with clear and coloured circles and arrows leading to boxes
Figure 1: Representation of the methodology to develop capacity accounts. The advancement of this study is the “capacity” to deliver diverse ecosystem services, which allows the link between the ecosystem characteristics underpinning the condition and capacity to supply ecosystem services, and the final ecosystem services of interest, to be made explicit.

The System of Environmental Economic Accounting - Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) is a spatially explicit statistical framework to standardise reporting of the ‘flows’ of ecosystem services, alongside the extent and condition of ‘stocks’ of ecosystems. The condition of an ecosystem asset is calculated by comparing a range of selected characteristics, representative of the condition of ecosystems (e.g. soil quality, number of species, density of trees) to what can be considered a “natural” state, usually referred to a pristine condition free of human interventions. The ecosystem service accounts then illustrate the range of services that are provided by the ecosystem.

Building on the SEEA EA guidelines to develop condition accounts for forest sites, the ForES team proposed a methodology to create an ecosystem capacity index and related capacity accounts (see Figure 1 above). As a result, capacity scores are assigned to each ecosystem asset (i.e., an area of a certain ecosystem type), each corresponding to the capacity to supply a different ecosystem service.

This methodology attempts to bridge the gap between condition and services accounts in the SEEA EA. The capacity accounts could also be more useful to land managers compared to condition accounts, because they can show potential supply of different ecosystem services given the current values of selected variables. For example, a Sitka spruce plantation would likely have low values of condition (compared to a “natural” state, which would already be complex to establish for a country like Ireland, but this is a different story), yet it would still be able to supply valuable services, such as timber provisioning and climate regulation. The capacity accounts could assist reassessment of management objectives in circumstances where there may be a mismatch between ecosystem capacity and management goals in terms of delivery of ecosystem services.

Read more in the full article in the Ecological Indicators journal: by Francesco Martini, Kathleen Conroy, Emma King, Catherine A. Farrell, Mary Kelly-Quinn, Carl Obst, Yvonne M. Buckley, Jane C. Stout

The ForES project is funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Competitive Research Funding Programme.

Climate change is having profound effects on Earth’s systems. Its effects can be seen on every continent, with some areas being affected more severely than others. Now, researchers are looking more seriously at forests to be a tool in the fight against climate change, writes Kathleen Conroy, of Trinity College Dublin.

Climate change is having profound effects on Earth’s systems. Its effects can be seen on every continent, with some areas being affected more severely than others (e.g., permafrost melting in Greenland, island nations such as Tuvalu threatened by sea level rise).

The climate on Earth naturally fluctuates over time. It has experienced periods of cold (glacial periods, also known as Ice Ages) and periods of warmth (interglacial periods). We are currently in an interglacial period. However, the accelerated rate in which this warming is occurring is unprecedented and is a cause for great concern. This warming trend origin has been linked to the onset of the Industrial Revolution of the late 19th Century.

Since that turning point, humanity has advanced on a number of fronts including medicine, technology and mechanics. In reaching these milestones, fossil fuels have been and continue to be consumed in unsustainable quantities. Fossil fuels (e.g., coal, oil) are great energy sources, however, when they are burned to release this energy, they also produce large amounts of greenhouse gases, most notably carbon dioxide.

There are a number of different gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect, but carbon dioxide is the most abundant, stays in the atmosphere for an exceedingly long time (estimates between 300-1000 years) and is very good at insulating. As the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases, a greenhouse effect occurs which traps heat on Earth. The heat from the Sun penetrates the atmosphere in the form of visible light. Normally, the Earth reflects much of the light back into space in the form of infrared light. However, the extra carbon dioxide blocks the infrared light from reflecting and traps the heat on Earth. This is the premise of climate change.

Carbon dioxide is naturally in the atmosphere. Animals respiring, oceanic gas balancing, forest fires, volcanos, are all examples of carbon dioxide production. Although there is disagreement, generally, it is acknowledged that 350 parts per million is a safe amount of carbon dioxide to have in the atmosphere. At the time of this writing, there are 422 parts per million carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. According to the EEA Europa, the last time that the Earth had a safe level of carbon dioxide was 1986.

What Climate Change Means?

Climate change is so much more than just warmer temperatures. It means increased number and intensity of storms. Climate change increases the number and intensity of droughts, leading to water scarcity and food shortages. It causes glacial melting and sea level rise, threatening coastal communities. It is a leading factor in the biodiversity loss crisis, shifting habitat conditions rapidly causing extinction in many species. The range of some tree species is shifting, as their current range is becoming inhabitable to the species. The temperature of the Earth will increase as well. As of 2015, it is 1C higher than pre-industrial times. The consequences of climate change will only get worse as that temperature increases.

What Can Be Done?

A number of things can still be done to manage climate change. Education, lowering consumption of fossil fuels, policies and increased use of alternative energies (e.g., wind) are all important measures to combat climate change. However, most measures are to prevent new carbon from accumulating in the atmosphere. To begin to really fight climate change, carbon dioxide needs to be removed from the atmosphere (carbon sequestration) and it needs to be stored for long periods of time and not allowed to re-enter the atmosphere

(carbon storage). A great way to remove carbon dioxide is by planting trees.

All plants require carbon dioxide to photosynthesize. The carbon dioxide is transformed into glucose which the plant uses as its energy source. Carbon dioxide can be stored away as biomass (the living part of the plant). As trees grow larger, they require more carbon dioxide to generate enough glucose and can store larger amounts of carbon away. Forest soils are

also great carbon sequesters, with estimates of 50% of forest carbon being stored below ground. A well functioning, healthy forest would be known as a carbon sink, pulling in large amounts of carbon and storing it for long periods of time. However, if a forest is mismanaged, unhealthy and greatly disturbed (by forest fires, logging, etc) then it can become a carbon source, emitting large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. In this regard, forests must be closely monitored and managed to make sure they are acting as a sink and not as a source.

Different tree species can sequester carbon at different rates. In general, faster growing conifers are able to sequester more carbon quickly, especially when they are young. However, in general, hardwoods are often able to store carbon longer as they are growing more slowly. The use of the forest is important as well. If trees are cut down for timber processing then they should be used in construction, furniture or some other type of

long-term storage. If immediately used as firewood, then all that carbon is released back into the atmosphere.

Climate change can be overwhelming and can make some people feel hopeless. However, by taking small steps and using nature-based solutions like forestry as carbon sinks, the effects of climate change can be slightly mitigated. Forestry is also multifunctional. While sequestering carbon dioxide, it can also provide habitat to endangered species, regulate water flow and prevent flooding during the more intense storms seen in climate change. Not only can forests help fight climate change directly, but it can also alleviate some of the problems that climate change causes.

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